Prayer Project: Day 27 “Reconciliation”

Day 27 “Reconciliation”  When you can be cordial and polite to those that have hurt you, you will be able to give an amazing testimony of how your healing is making you whole.
Reconciliation is more about bringing people back into fellowship and civility than about returning to something you had in the past. Do it for your wholeness.

Resource list:

Divorce to Healing: 31 Days of Healing and Wholeness Reading Plan

Divorce to Healing: Survive and Thrive Reading Plan

Divorce to Healing Blog

Divorce to Healing: 31 Days of Healing and Wholeness Book

Divorce to Healing: Day 27




An amazing number of people that are separated or divorced have seriously considered and desired to reconcile, even if the other person has moved on with a new relationship and even married. It is more than understandable.

But for those of you wanting to throw your phone, tablet, or computer across the room towards me, I know there are a large group that are in the ‘Good Riddance’ gallery, and for many valid reasons.

I would like to encourage those that have a sincere and Godly desire to allow God to bring you back to your first love, make sure they are not married and get with a pastor or counselor that will help you. For those not able to do that, I say this:

Reconcile yourself and what you can of the relationship. Especially if children are involved, you need to be able to be civil and able to co-parent well so that it will cause less long-term damage to your relationship with them. You will always be their mom and dad, and both are needed. Work together to make that happen.

Mutual friendships may need to be reconciled as well. They may not know what to say or do and often really don’t want to lose you both as friends.

When you can honestly be reconciled (not hostile) to those that hurt you, you will be able to give an amazing testimony of how your healing is making you whole.

18 Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation 2 Cor 5:18

Reconciliation is more about bringing people back into fellowship and civility than about returning to something you had in the past. Do it for your wholeness.


God, whether our relationship can ever again include us being married I ask that You help to bring forth a mutual friendship between us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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