Prayer Project: Day 26 “Patience”

Day 26: “Patience”  There is a perfect time for you to have a fully healed and whole heart again. If you want a life that is allowed to move forward in joy, peace, and wholeness, you will need to allow whatever time it takes. Everyone is different and every healing process takes time, sometimes longer than others.  God has allowed his perfect timing to bring forth the perfect healing in you. Don’t rush perfection.

Resource list:

Divorce to Healing: 31 Days of Healing and Wholeness Reading Plan

Divorce to Healing: Survive and Thrive Reading Plan

Divorce to Healing Blog

Divorce to Healing: 31 Days of Healing and Wholeness Book

Divorce to Healing: Day 26




Why is it so hard to wait? Is it because we have become a culture of instant microwave gratification? The world demands more, bigger, faster, more efficient, more beautiful, more exciting, and now, now, now………

With modern technology, even if a child is born earlier than the normal development time of nine months, we can do what we can to bring full development along. It is not without its’ own challenges.

“How long will it take?” — “How perfect do you want your healing?”

There is a perfect time for you to have a fully healed and whole heart again.  If you want a life that is allowed to move forward in joy, peace, and wholeness, you will need to allow whatever time it takes. Everyone is different and every healing process takes time, sometimes longer than others.

If you rush into another relationship, engage in destructive behaviors, and try to shortcut the process, your healing will be full of developmental and possibly life-long challenges that you will end up regretting. It is not worth it.

Just like after planting a seed, it depends on the quality of the seed, the amount of water, how far it is buried, among other factors that determine what kind of harvest you will receive. That little seed will not care if we want it right away.

16 Yet for this reason I found mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Jesus Christ might demonstrate His perfect patience as an example for those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 1 Tim 1:16

Just like it still takes 9 months for a baby to fully develop, God has allowed his perfect timing to bring forth the perfect healing in you. Don’t rush perfection.


God, please help me to calm down and allow You the time to fully and completely heal all of the broken pieces left in my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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