Broken Road

“I will walk by faith even when I cannot see because this broken road prepares Your will for me” ~ Jeremy Camp from the song Walk by Faith on the 2002 album Stay.

If I told you this song has ministered to me in difficult times over the last 20+ years, it would be a severe understatement. After many years, I ran across it again buried deep in my iTunes library. It spoke even more to me after looking back to see the broken road Jesus led me down so long ago.

You may have just started the journey down your broken road recently. Some of you may have been on it for so many miles you wonder if you will ever see the end of it.

If you drive long enough, you run into a detour. Hopefully, you see the signs before you crash through the barricades meant to keep you from plunging over the edge where the bridge is out. The bridge (marriage) collapsed. It is no longer there. Now what?

The barricades protected you from plunging off the cliff head first towards the rocks. Now you see there is only one way to go. The road doesn’t look like one you want to travel on, but it is the only way to continue on your journey.

After realizing there is no way you can move forward at this location you see something…. a detour sign.

We can sit and stare at the fallen bridge or we can take the detour that has been provided. Someone had to have placed the signs out to guide you around the disaster that you see.

As you pray the car (life) you are driving will make it, you start to wonder —

How do I move forward? How long is this road? Will I ever get where I am going? Will I run out of gas? Will there be a place along the road to use the restroom, refuel, and get something to eat and rest? Is it safe? Why am I on this roadway? Am I really supposed to be going this direction? Should I go back? Is the map wrong?

Since you have no other option now, you need to trust the signs provided to get you where you need to go. You need to have faith in the sign placer. The signs are there to lead you and guide you.

Some roads look fine when you start down them but may eventually turn into a narrow one lane road full of potholes, carcasses of roadkill along the edge of the ditch, and just no end in sight. I have been on that road. Twice.

You might be tempted to go off-roading, looking for a short cut. Trust me. You will only get lost and run out of gas. Ask the Israelites if walking around the same mountain for 40 years was the plan. It wasn’t. The plan is to trust in God’s road, even with all the potholes and difficulties.

You will find places along the way that will refresh and renew you, but they may not be your 5-star all-inclusive resort you want. It may be a station called “Gas”. It might be an 8 room drive-up motel that only takes cash and has a clerk sleeping with his head down on the front desk with a gumball machine that hasn’t been refilled in years.

As you get back on the road, you are hoping over the next hill the road improves and you get to your destination. You crest the hill and you might see that the road has turned into a gravel road. How can it get worse? It is supposed to get better.

But you see another sign that says “Detour” with an arrow pointing straight ahead. Will you trust who put out the detour sign? Will you believe someone knows which way you need to go, even if you can’t see it?

Faith is what will fuel your car (life). Faith in the one who knows the way and placed the sign will give you what you need to keep moving forward.

You may drive by others stopped along the roadside. You may have people stop you and tell you that you can’t make it or to take a different route.

The One you need to believe and listen to is the One who has already laid out the path. God knows the end from the beginning. He is waiting for you to let Him be your GPS, God Perfect Sign!! He placed the signs to show you the way!!

Along your broken road you will see others on the road with you. They may try to keep you from getting to your destination. There might also be folks needing encouragement like you. Don’t get distracted by the wrong people. Be willing to share your broken road story with those who would benefit from what you have experienced. Maybe helping someone fix a flat will lead to a life long friendship.

2 Corinthians 5:7 English Standard Version

for we walk by faith, not by sight.

Galatians 2:20 English Standard Version

20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

We are meant to go down our broken road with Jesus, guiding us to stay on the detour route. He placed the signs. He knows the way. He IS the Way!!

Stay on the road, moving forward in faith. Believe the one who knows the final destination.

You will make it if you don’t turn back or stop. Your speed may slow to a snail’s crawl at times, but you’ll get there. You will make it!!

As I wrap up this post, I have had “Walk by Faith” playing non-stop. I has encouraged me to encourage you. I know the peace, joy, blessings, and life He has guided me to, but it all started with my own broken road journey. Without Jesus and letting Him carry me, I would have pulled into a ditch and stayed there. I am so glad I didn’t.

God has something amazing for you. I can’t wait for you to get there.

If you want watch a video of “Walk by Faith” rereleased in 2020, here it is.

The 2020 movie “I Still Believe” is the story of Jeremy Camp’s own broken road. His fiancee found out that she had ovarian cancer before they were married. I saw it in the theater, but you should be able to stream it on Amazon, Netflix, or one of the other streaming services. It will show you that God is waiting to greet you at the end of your broken road.

Be blessed!!

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The Right Plan

Today is January 1st.

With the start of a new year, people set goals and make plans for the next year. They may also reflect and review the past year to celebrate wins and learn from the losses.

When it comes to marriage, I believe people have hope and dreams for an amazing life-long relationship that brings joy, excitement, and togetherness. A man and a woman will stand before their family and friends or maybe a justice of the peace to make promises that they are ill prepared to keep within divine intervention.

We may try to make plans on how our lives will come together and grow, but it seems like virtually every marriage is fighting an uphill battle against attacks from the culture, situations, and selfishness of this world.

I don’t remember sitting down with my soon to be wife to hash out how we are going to handle our first fight, how we are going to react when a close friend hurts us, or the fender bender on the new car we financed for 6 years.

Planning is essential for growth. Change happens whether we are ready or not. Growth is change within the boundaries and nourishment of wisdom and time.

If you are reading this blog, the plans you had for your marriage did not produce the results you desired. It could be for a myriad of reasons. The reasons for your divorce or separation are not as important as what your next steps will be. You need a new plan.

The Right Plan.

Do you remember the story of David and Bathsheba?

In 2 Samuel 11, we read about the moral failure of David that led him to adultery and murder. He had a plan to make Bathsheba his wife after he had already gotten her pregnant, but this was far from the right plan.

David murdered Uriah by making a plan for him to be killed on the battlefield so that he could take Bathsheba as his wife and cover up what he had done. The consequences of his plan were a child who was born sick and died 7 days later, even after fasting and praying to God.

David looked away from God and towards the things of this world. His plans was not the right plan.

Because of his disobedience to God and wanting to fulfill his worldly desires, his life and history was changed. David lost a child, murdered a faithful warrior, and was not allowed to build the temple.

Before David was his father Saul, the first king of Israel. Did you know that God didn’t want Israel to have a king? (Samuel 8)

Samuel the prophet appointed his sons as judges for the people of Israel. The sons did not walk in God’s way so the elders of Israel wanted Samuel to anoint a king to lead the nation.

Samuel prayed to God and God told Samuel that the people did not reject him, they rejected God so give them what they want. The elder’s plan was to have a king for the nation like all the other nations.

Samuel told the elders all of the ways a king would enslave and oppress them. The following verse shook me when I read it:

1 Samuel 8:18

18 And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”

Could the plans of mankind hinder God from answered prayer?

Could you be doing everything right in the sight of the Lord and still find yourself waiting for an answer from God? Sure. God has His ways and His timing. Your prayers are many times answered not in the way you expected or in the time you hoped.

Sometimes all it seems like I do is pray for things and people (healing, peace, provision, etc). Maybe God just wants me to go deeper and listen to Him instead of trying to fill the time with requests.

He already knows what we need. He wants to spend time with you and to speak hope into your life. Give Him more opportunity to respond as you grow in your relationship with Him.

God wants His best for us, but not at the expense of our free will. He gives us the opportunity to live this life blessed as we sacrifice our lives to follow Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit. He gave us the free will to make plans, and the best plans are those that bring God glory.

Let’s take a moment and evaluate our plans. Do we have any plans or are we just letting life carry us along?

What is the Right Plan?

Is Jesus in the forefront of your plan? Have you given your wants, needs, desires, feelings, thoughts, and urges to Him? Have you taken time to let Him speak to you and not just toss requests up to Heaven?

How do you know you have the Right Plan?

Does it glorify God? Does it help others? Does it lead you closer to Jesus? Does it bring you peace? Does it make this world better? Does it provide growth in your relationships, especially with God?

If you have read this far on this post, you will see that our faith must be open to not knowing the answer. Faith that you are on the right path with the Right Plan takes letting go and letting God lead. He will give you His plan, if you ask for it. Be patient and obedient to fully grasp all that God is doing through that plan.

Proverbs 16:9

The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps.

You will get the Right Plan. Trust God and let Him lead you.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Be blessed!!

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Does Anyone Care?

I get ultra-sensitive at this time of year. Christmas and New Years is a time for family, friends, and fun. But so many times when you are experiencing divorce or the aftermath, you may wonder if anyone cares about you.

I do.

I remember living in a town I moved to for work. I had been divorced and started my life over with a great career opportunity that God led me to over a couple of years. I got plugged into a wonderful church family and meet so many nice people.

I remember meeting, marrying, and ultimately divorced again to my second wife. I was crushed. The only family I had close by was a great friend I made that allowed me to roommate with him as I tried to recover.

Maybe you can relate a little to my story. Feeling alone around your church family, work colleagues, and people you always see at the local grocery store.

You may be around people a large portion of the day, but you still feel it: loneliness, guilt, shame, hopelessness, pain, heartache, and any number of other honest human emotions and feelings.

My answer to the question “Does Anyone Care?” is YES!!!

Start with your immediate family. You have parents, children, siblings, or relatives that may or may not be next to you right now, but someone in those groups cares. You may not realize it, but many care about you. It may not be great with them at the moment, but if push comes to shove, someone will admit they care, and probably more than you would ever know.

What about your work, church, or social groups? If you have a pastor or church leaders, God has given them a spirit to care. They will not be perfect, but they would not be in that role if they do not at least care.

Why do you think bars, drug dens, and other places I do not recommend seem to gather people, even for the wrong reasons? People are looking for someone to listen and care.


When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34.17-18

If you are sitting by yourself in a home, apartment, car, or jail cell reading this and feel like nobody cares, just know that God cares and I care about you. If you know nobody that cares, know that we do.

How can I say that I care for you when we have never met, talked, or may never interact in any way together? Because when I was in my place similar to where you are at, God told me that He cares and someone else cares too. And He was right.

I had my brother and his family in my first divorce. They lived about 3 houses down from my apartment in a small house with my 2 little (at that time) nephews. I let them just allow me to hang around and be a part of their lives, never judging or pushing me. The gave me the opportunity to heal while showing me they cared.

I had a best friend who, on the first day I met him, he had just had his fiancée break off their engagement. I had no idea how God would lead me to a guy I never knew the first day I went to a new church, be able to encourage him in his darkest time, only for him to be able to repay kindness to me when I was separated and eventually divorced again. He cared.

At my lowest moment, I realized the ONLY one who would never leave me nor forsake me would be Jesus. He cared so much for me that He died for me. I knew no matter what, Jesus and I were moving on. He would be there for me no matter what!!!

If you are alone, tired, afraid, desperate, anxious, or flat out hopeless, I care. God cares.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Today is Christmas Eve. This morning at church I was burdened to pray for you. YES, YOU!!

God put a heaviness on me to pray for all of those experiencing loneliness, divorce, loss, pain, and heartache today and this time of year. He told me that He cares about you and He hears you.

My belief is that God wants you to know how much He cares. He wants to spend time with you through a real relationship, one that includes reading His Word, praying, and seeking Him.

Be as open and honest you can be. He can take it. He already knows.

My prayer is that these few words you have read help you know that someone out there cares for you. You are not alone. You are not the only one who is experiencing what you are going through. Your situation is unique, but others are right where you are and so many have healed from the pain you are experiencing now.

I wrote a special prayer for those needing a prayer at this time. You can read it here, or you can listen to it as I read it on this past podcast episode. Either way, know that you have been prayed for today.

In some ways, I wish I could sit and talk to you for a few minutes tonight. Whether you are with family, friends, or find yourself with nobody else around, know that I care and other do to. Most of all, know that God cares for you far more than anyone else ever could. He loves you!!

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. Isaiah 43.2

Be blessed!!

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You Made It

It is the day after Thanksgiving and a large amount of people have already been Black Friday shopping since early this morning. Actually, with technology today, Black Friday is more like most of November, ramps up around Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday, and they try to keep you spending until the Super Bowl.

What does this have to do with divorce and you making it?

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, and many other big days are the hardest when you have lost someone or your marriage. Reminders of kids opening presents early in the morning, the smell of a dozen different foods being enjoyed with family, and that special someone being with you through it all…..but all is really not all.

You look at the important days like graduation, the loss of a first tooth, and a new job only to experience these without the one you planned to have by your side. It is hard, and it sucks to put it mildly.

BUT….You made it!!!

It is a new day and the sun came up this morning. You have breath in your lungs and you are on the right side of the grass. God’s mercies are new every morning according to Lamentations 3, but there is so much more to this passage of scripture.

The Book of Lamentations is exactly what it says; a book lamenting to God about the nation of Israel and it’s suffering. Jerusalem has been destroyed by Babylon. Things are not the same. The wonderful past is now a painful present. If you want to watch a powerful video describing the Book of Lamentations, here is a link to a short video. It will open your eyes. Take the time to watch the video and you may relate to our ancestors much more than you realize.

The chapter has only 3 positive verses, ones that describe the goodness of God.

Lamentations 3:22-24

22 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
    his mercies never come to an end;
23 they are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
    “therefore I will hope in him.”

You made it this far because of God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness. Does it still hurt? Yes. Does it change the situation? No. Does it mean anything will change today? That is up to you.

When you allow God to be your portion, He gives you a hope that you will only understand with the passage of time. You will be able to look back and say, “God got me through it. I made it!!”

Did you make it to the end? Not yet, but God will get you there.

If you are struggling today, take a few minutes right now and just lament to God. Tell Him how you feel. Tell Him what hurts. Tell Him what you want to change. Just talk to God. He wants to hear from you. He wants to have a real conversation, not just a list of prayers you say as you are running out the door to whatever you have to do.

People talk about self-care. I prefer God-care, because God created you and knows you way better than you or your bestie knows you. Give Him a little time to do a real work on your heart. Don’t settle for self-care, reach for God-care.

Part of healing is opening up the wound, cleaning it out, and providing an opportunity for it to heal.

Lament to the One who gives love, mercy, and faithfulness new every day.

You made it to today. You will make it to tomorrow. Have hope in Him.

Be blessed!!

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The Bridge

So many cliches about bridges. Here comes another one.

I hope not. I pray that our few moments together can speak something different about you, your present situation, and what is next.

I am going to reference a bridge, but I believe God has something for you that you may not have considered before today.

It is said that a bridge carries you from your past to your future. What if it is created to carry you from your present to your destiny instead? Instead of a bridge over troubled water, could it be a bridge over the unknown?

I challenge you to envision the bridge that will carry you and your dreams to God’s plan for you.

Anyone who has encountered the pain of divorce knows that dreams of a life-long love with the spouse of your youth was to be a dream realized through a lifetime of sharing and enjoying each other. You had desires and plans to grow old together while enjoying the fruits of your labor and the family you created through your marriage. Now it is gone.

There are many kinds of bridges. Let’s take a looks at a few.

The quickest and simplest bridge is actually what people would call a tightrope. It is a single piece of material that can literally be thrown over to the other side. I could preach a whole message on the person who is on the other side telling you this is a good idea. Let’s just not go down that rabbit trail.

You see a tight piece of material that looks like it is connected securely to your destiny. I guess the next thing to do is walk across, right? What is stopping you?

Some people think this should be the way across the great divide to their destiny; simple, easy, and fast. Yes, it can be unsafe and less than secure, but let’s move out of the pain of our present.

I don’t recommend this. Being in your present doesn’t mean you want or desire to be there.

Your present is only where you are at this moment in time. You get to choose how you exist there as you prepare to move forward.

Now a rope bridge that has some rickety wooden planks for steps looks safer and still a relatively quick way across to the other side. To each his/her own.

Crossing a bridge usually entails some time and effort. I just prefer not swinging in the wind, trusting those old pieces of wood to hold my weight long enough to make another step without splitting in two pieces causing me to grab on for dear life.

Some have the patience and desire to build a wood suspension bridge, put together with wood and nails. This kind of bridge take longer to build, but if it is not created with the correct angles and secure materials, it may not allow a truly secure means of crossing. It can be done, but is it the safest and strongest way across?

I am afraid of heights, and sometimes driving over a bridge I may get a little uneasy if it is windy and I am stuck in the lane next to the edge driving 65 mph between a dump truck and a slower RV praying he gets to the top.

The strongest, safest, and easiest way to cross the depths of despair and disappointment to reach the destiny God has for you is to realize that it takes time to create the bridge of healing.

It takes pilons driven into a solid foundation. It takes materials of strength, forged from steel that will not buckle under the weight of what God has you to carry across this great expanse. It takes time to design, engineer, supply, and construct a masterpiece to carry you to your God-given destiny.

The bridge that God has for you is a bridge not made with human hands, but crafted by an Almighty God who loves and cares for you.

You bring your belief, your faith, and your obedience and God will drive those pilons of relationship deep into His created earth.

He already has the design ready to go. He is looking for your faith to step out with Him into laying the beams of faith, one after another, over the foggy clouds of fear you may have. He is waiting for you to supply the obedience of following His plan and timing to create a safe crossing into your destiny.

Don’t try to cut corners and try to jump the divide like Evil Knievel. It will only result in more pain and suffering. You may not be in the present place you are now, but you will usually find yourself much worse off than where you are now.

My heart goes out to those who attempted the quick and easy way to healing. The vast majority would do it differently, if they are being honest.

The strength, security, and ease of crossing the bridge built God’s way is more than just a way to leave your present. It is a means of bringing the extremely valuable gifts, talents, and treasures you possess with you into His destiny for you. These are meant to come with you.

This bridge is not created to carry your baggage. Leave it behind. You have to much good to carry. You do not have the space or the need for it.

You also need to bring the right people with you on your journey. God will provide others that have His heart and desire to support you as you build this bridge with Him. You didn’t think God would let you and Him build it alone, did you? God wants loving, supportive people to build this bridge to your healing so that you have someone to celebrate with on the other side.

What kind of bridge are you building? Whose plans are you using? Who is on the other end helping you?

Take the time to build with God. A bridge created with belief, faith, and obedience will provide you the way to the other side, from your present to your destiny; God’s destiny for you.

Be Blessed!!

Have you listened to the Divorce to Healing Podcast? Check it out HERE !!!

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Not Enough

I know it has been too long between posts. Maybe that is why this post of the Divorce to Healing podcast spoke to me as well.

Have you ever felt “NOT ENOUGH”?

I have recently and even in my past felt that I have not done or said enough, been enough, or see myself as enough for someone else. Are you there too?

In the podcast, I mention the definition of value. It is the worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor.

Notice: Nowhere in that definition does it say that what is valued determines it’s own value. The value is determined by who possesses it.

A car does not determine it’s own value. The car dealer or the owner determines that. If someone wants to buy my used car, it’s value is determined by what the other party or new possessor is willing to pay for it.

You do NOT determine your own value. God does!! As a Christian, He is your possessor.

No matter how we feel or what we think about ourselves, God’s image of us is one of value and worth.

If our self-image is not a God image of ourselves, then it is just a selfish image of what God has created.

EPH 2:10 “For we are God’s masterpiece…”

Did you know that God made you and values you that much?

He gave His only Son for you. God gave His Son’s live for you. YES, YOU!!!!

You are valuable and you are enough.

Here is the podcast episode for those interested.

Be blessed!!

New Podcast / Christmas Episode

I just wanted to tell everyone that no matter what your situation is at this moment, I am thinking about you and praying for you.

I just started a podcast on Spotify (soon others) for our Divorce to Healing community. I will share more about it soon, but wanted to share this episode that I released this week.

I added a reading of a previous post from

this blog at the end of the podcast episode. I know that post gets extra attention during this time of year and just wanted to share the other words and me reading it with you.

It is the post “A Prayer for the Divorced – Christmas”. I truly pray that this previous post and now this podcast episode can be a small part of your Christmas.

You are not alone. Jesus is with you. Spend time with him and know that your community family here is with you too.

Be blessed!!

This Is Not What I Asked For

Separation? Divorce? Pain? Financial Ruin? Loss?

Today at church, our pastor started a new series called “This Is Not What I Asked For”.

Wow!! What a way to get me to finally update the blog with a new post.

I couldn’t help but be taken back in my mind to when I was left broken hearted and betrayed. Twice. I did not plan for that. I did not want that. I did not ask for that.

I am sure if you are not in that place right now, you have experienced those feelings in the past. I am right there with you again.

God has a way of taking us to our past to move us forward from our present to His future.

As God reminds me of those things that I have long since forgotten and been healed from, I have a fresh desire to help you through your struggles and healing process.

I have become too comfortable and busy in my own life and with my own family. I have been making plans and living life far removed from the pain where I once lived.

In many ways, that should encourage you. It has been over 18 years and I can tell you that taking God’s hand and letting him heal me completely was the greatest thing that has ever allowed me to move forward. It is the only way to fully and completely overcome what you are going through today.

Yet, it has allowed me to try to make plans that do not include my passion; helping others. I have been failing that part of the reason I experienced all of the pain and suffering.

I have given God the glory for the healing, yet not moved on into the fullness that He has had for me. Please don’t make the same mistakes I have made.

My plans in life of getting married and living happily ever after didn’t happen. Twice. Now after being happily married for over 18 years and experiencing my greatest life to this point, it is not enough.

My wife and I are more in love and growing more in love every day. We have 2 beautiful children and are recently new grandparents of a little grand-daughter. Yet, these were not my plans.

This is not what I asked for. It is actually what God has blessed me with, even though I messed up so many times and chose my plans. I didn’t need to experience that, but I am so thankful for what I have now.

This might be confusing. It looks like from the outside I have it all.

I never experienced divorce as a child. My parents are still together and a blessing to all of us kids. I grew up in a together home. Not perfect, but together and loving.

THAT is what I asked for when I got married. But that is not what I got. I got cheated on and abandoned. I got treated like the bad guy. My plans got dismissed and trashed like a left over gum wrapper.


I am now much closer to what I asked for. Helping you is also a part of that.

It is ok to realize that the plans we make fail. It may be our fault and it may not. It may be through a tragic loss, abuse, adultery, or a large number of reasons. We are human. We are not perfect, and neither are the people in our lives.

It is ok to make plans and strive every day to make those plans work. My wife and daughter are huge planners. They love making a plan and completing it. If it wasn’t for plans we would not have raised skyscrapers or put a man on the moon. I can guarantee you that NONE of those things happened with out a change of plans.

A rough draft is just that; rough. The best plans are those that figure in all the contingencies, yet are able to flex and adapt to the changes needed. Even final plans end with a punch list where you need to dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s before the plans are complete.

God has plans for you and your life.

I am still learning this after over 25 years of marriage, divorce, marriage, divorce, and marriage.

We can’t change the past, yet we can learn from it as we heal from it with Jesus!!

I want to encourage you today to know that God’s plans for you are the BEST plans for you.

Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

What are your plans? Are they YOUR plans, or are they GOD’s plans?

Know that God loves you and is ready and willing to share His plans for you as you spend time in His Word, praying, worshipping Him, and being around your church family through a group and attending in person or online.

The ultimate plan changer is the One who has the Master plan.

Interesting why that is the name of the plan, isn’t it?

Here is a link to the message from Pastor John Wyatt with Celebration Church from Jacksonville, FL if you would like to see it:

Be Blessed!!

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Don’t worry.

I won’t ramble on about all the sayings with the number 1 in them. You have probably already heard them. If you haven’t and are divorced, you will shortly.

For some reason, I just felt led to write about this number. It is just that; a number.

You could say that numbers come in all shapes and sizes, but that would not make sense. Unless of course, you are looking for a crazy one for your next Powerpoint slide or Instagram story.

What struck me is why this number can mean the best, the first, and the chosen. It can also be a lonely and depressing number when you are divorced or looking at your account balance.

When you have done everything people tell you to do and yet you don’t feel like you are making progress, what then?

Has counseling, group therapy, and well-meaning friends/family dragging you out of the house seemed to leave you feeling no better than before?

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE who has been devastated by divorce, has been where you are. At least for a time.

How long that time is varies from a day or two to years. It all depends on the 1.

What am I talking about? The number? 1?

As a Christian, of course it all comes down Jesus. He is our #1. But that is not where I want to end it. You have heard or will hear all of that, so let me take another look at the number 1.

I think about those who have tried everything and feel stuck. Is that you?

You don’t feel like you have healed at all. You may even feel worse now than when this tragic season started for you.

It is like that book writer trying to start a masterpiece and all you see is an overflowing trash can of crumpled up paper in the corner. (Back when people used typewriters.)

Now what? How do I start? What next?


Ok. Here comes the best advice I can give you after 30 years of experience involved in either my own divorces or ministry to those needing answers:


Come on, Brent. Give us something….. I am sure this is what you are thinking. And I would be too.

Let me explain what I feel led to share with you.









Got it?


Just quiet yourself and take a breath. God has blessed you with another one. Slowly breathe in and out.

You are alive and breathing, so God can and will use you. He has a purpose for you being here and in the situation you are in. Everything else at this moment doesn’t matter. Close your eyes and just slowly breathe for a moment or two.

Job 12:10 ESV

10 In his hand is the life of every living thing
    and the breath of all mankind.


Take a moment to clear your mind of all the thoughts causing you to feel down, depressed, and anxious. There is a thought in there that wants to rise up and it is being choked off by negative thoughts.

When you quiet your mind and think of peace, what do you think of? The wind rustling through the trees on a cool morning outside? How about the whooshing of the waves slowly crashing on a quiet beach as you relax in a chair staring out at the ocean? Does staring at all of the twinkling stars overhead on a clear dark night make you feel like all of your cares are gone, even for a moment?

Philippians 4:8 ESV

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.


Take a moment to thank God for His love for you. He loves you with an everlasting love. Nothing that has happened to you or any perception you have about yourself can even come close to what God thinks about you. Yes, you!!

Pray a simple prayer. No agenda. No desires. Just pray that God reveals to you how much He loves you. Ask Him to show you. Ask that He touch you so you can feel Him all the way to your soul. Just spend a moment with Him. Nothing more than that. All of the issues you are dealing with will still be there, but this is your time with the One who created you.

Don’t rush it. Be honest. Pour out your heart to Him. He will listen.

Jeremiah 29:12 ESV

12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.


Just do 1 simple thing today. Just 1. Something you have never done before.

Scream “JESUS!!!” at the top of your lungs. Drop and do 20 push-ups. Open the blinds and look for a bird or butterfly. Start reading that book you bought 4 years ago. Grab your Bible, close your eyes, and just start flipping through the pages until you feel you need to stick your finger on a page. Read that chapter. Find a podcast you have never listened to and listen. Call that friend you have lost track of who is on your mind.

Do 1 thing. Something. Move forward.

God will honor your movement towards healing.

In John 5, you can read the story of a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. I could never imagine the pain and shame this man must have endured over his life.

Jesus came and asked him “Do you want to be healed?”. The man did not answer with a yes. He explained to Jesus that he had nobody to help him into the healing pool. We can argue if it was an excuse or just the man frustrated with his situation, not knowing what to do. That is not the point.

Jesus didn’t talk down to him or make him feel less than worthy.

Jesus said to do something. “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.”

Sermons have been preached about so many points in just these few verses. I am not going to preach to you.

Just do something.

Ask God what He wants you to do. Then do it.

John 5:9 ESV

And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked.


Just a simple action, an honest prayer, a peaceful thought, and a breath from your Creator.

You may never see the number 1 the same again.

What is your 1?

Be blessed!!

YouVersion Bible App Reading Plans:
(over 175,000 downloads to date)
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If you would like to support this ministry, feel free to purchase a copy of my book or donate below:


Paypal: http://PayPal.Me/brentpapineau3

Venmo: @Brent-Papineau

Any purchase or donation would be a huge blessing. Love you all!!

Are You Ready?

There will come that day when you are ready to move on from the pain, the hurt, and the past. You will be ready to get back in the race.

Your life has not gone the way you imagined it. I don’t know of one person who started dating with the plan to get married and then get divorced. Doesn’t happen.

So what now?

Romans 8:28 ESV

28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

This verse doesn’t mean everything in our life is good or even that it will be easy from this day forward. What God is saying is, no matter what, if you love God, things will work out.

God can make something out of nothing. Think back to Eden. He created Adam out of the dirt and Eve using Adam’s rib.

So, how do you think God will use you to help others going through what you have gone through?

If you are not at that point in your healing, that is ok. There will come a day when someone will come to you and need your advice or encouragement. You will feel unprepared and probably have no idea what to say.

Take it from me… will be able to help them. Even if it is just to have a listening ear. You are further down the path to healing then they are. Be open to being a helping hand.

When my wife and I had led a few marriage groups at our church, we felt maybe we were to do something else to help others. My wife, being a single mom before we met, felt led to help other single moms. Since I had been divorced twice before, I was starting to have a heart towards men and divorce.

Guess what? God gave us the perfect blend of both of those desires: DivorceCare.

Our church was needing a couple to facilitate this new curriculum. We received a call from one of the pastors asking us if we would be interested.

It is interesting how God had already warmed us up to helping others in a new way, but never saw this coming.

I listened to the pastor on the phone and asked if they could hold for a few seconds while I talked to my wife. I looked at my wife and said, “They want us to lead a new group called DivorceCare. What do you think?”.

She looked at me at said, “I guess we are doing it.”. We didn’t have to think twice.

Now when we started, we felt so unprepared.

God was with us every step of the way. From a lady in our first group who had just moved to our city a few months before and been divorced for over 10 years (Yes, 10!!) still dealing with anger to other people that would eventually become life-long friends, we just took it one week at a time.

It felt good to see people come into the group broken and hurting, yet seeing those who chose to stay in the group for the full timeframe coming to a new place in the healing process.

This is my story. What will yours be?

Will you be someone who leads a group eventually? Will you be a listening ear to that co-worker that is struggling at work because her marriage has fallen apart? Will you hear of someone having problems and feel led to pray for them to get healing and find peace.

However that looks for you, be ready for it. Use the breath God gives you to bless others in your own way and with His spirit leading the way.

I was blessed today to get a direct message from a man who read this blog and felt like God has given him a desire to start a blog as well. I was overjoyed to share a little of the knowledge I have gained over the last 7 1/2 years. I encouraged him to just get started.

You can get started, even if you are not fully healed or fully ready. Ask God to guide you in a simple way to be a blessing to someone else, even if it is in praying for a person struggling with the effects of divorce.

As you take your eyes off of your situations and help others, you will be amazed at how God takes care of your situations while you are not worrying and stressing over them, even for a few minutes.

When you are ready, take the step. Have a caring and encouraging word for someone. Offer to sit in a group and offer your thoughts. Maybe help co-lead a group. Start a blog our YouTube channel about your life.

Be a blessing to someone else as God continues to love you and heal you.

Be blessed!!

YouVersion Bible App Reading Plans:
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If you would like to support this ministry, feel free to purchase a copy of my book or donate below:


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Venmo: @Brent-Papineau

Any purchase or donation would be a huge blessing. Much love!!

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