
Don’t worry.

I won’t ramble on about all the sayings with the number 1 in them. You have probably already heard them. If you haven’t and are divorced, you will shortly.

For some reason, I just felt led to write about this number. It is just that; a number.

You could say that numbers come in all shapes and sizes, but that would not make sense. Unless of course, you are looking for a crazy one for your next Powerpoint slide or Instagram story.

What struck me is why this number can mean the best, the first, and the chosen. It can also be a lonely and depressing number when you are divorced or looking at your account balance.

When you have done everything people tell you to do and yet you don’t feel like you are making progress, what then?

Has counseling, group therapy, and well-meaning friends/family dragging you out of the house seemed to leave you feeling no better than before?

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE who has been devastated by divorce, has been where you are. At least for a time.

How long that time is varies from a day or two to years. It all depends on the 1.

What am I talking about? The number? 1?

As a Christian, of course it all comes down Jesus. He is our #1. But that is not where I want to end it. You have heard or will hear all of that, so let me take another look at the number 1.

I think about those who have tried everything and feel stuck. Is that you?

You don’t feel like you have healed at all. You may even feel worse now than when this tragic season started for you.

It is like that book writer trying to start a masterpiece and all you see is an overflowing trash can of crumpled up paper in the corner. (Back when people used typewriters.)

Now what? How do I start? What next?


Ok. Here comes the best advice I can give you after 30 years of experience involved in either my own divorces or ministry to those needing answers:


Come on, Brent. Give us something….. I am sure this is what you are thinking. And I would be too.

Let me explain what I feel led to share with you.









Got it?


Just quiet yourself and take a breath. God has blessed you with another one. Slowly breathe in and out.

You are alive and breathing, so God can and will use you. He has a purpose for you being here and in the situation you are in. Everything else at this moment doesn’t matter. Close your eyes and just slowly breathe for a moment or two.

Job 12:10 ESV

10 In his hand is the life of every living thing
    and the breath of all mankind.


Take a moment to clear your mind of all the thoughts causing you to feel down, depressed, and anxious. There is a thought in there that wants to rise up and it is being choked off by negative thoughts.

When you quiet your mind and think of peace, what do you think of? The wind rustling through the trees on a cool morning outside? How about the whooshing of the waves slowly crashing on a quiet beach as you relax in a chair staring out at the ocean? Does staring at all of the twinkling stars overhead on a clear dark night make you feel like all of your cares are gone, even for a moment?

Philippians 4:8 ESV

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.


Take a moment to thank God for His love for you. He loves you with an everlasting love. Nothing that has happened to you or any perception you have about yourself can even come close to what God thinks about you. Yes, you!!

Pray a simple prayer. No agenda. No desires. Just pray that God reveals to you how much He loves you. Ask Him to show you. Ask that He touch you so you can feel Him all the way to your soul. Just spend a moment with Him. Nothing more than that. All of the issues you are dealing with will still be there, but this is your time with the One who created you.

Don’t rush it. Be honest. Pour out your heart to Him. He will listen.

Jeremiah 29:12 ESV

12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you.


Just do 1 simple thing today. Just 1. Something you have never done before.

Scream “JESUS!!!” at the top of your lungs. Drop and do 20 push-ups. Open the blinds and look for a bird or butterfly. Start reading that book you bought 4 years ago. Grab your Bible, close your eyes, and just start flipping through the pages until you feel you need to stick your finger on a page. Read that chapter. Find a podcast you have never listened to and listen. Call that friend you have lost track of who is on your mind.

Do 1 thing. Something. Move forward.

God will honor your movement towards healing.

In John 5, you can read the story of a man who had been an invalid for 38 years. I could never imagine the pain and shame this man must have endured over his life.

Jesus came and asked him “Do you want to be healed?”. The man did not answer with a yes. He explained to Jesus that he had nobody to help him into the healing pool. We can argue if it was an excuse or just the man frustrated with his situation, not knowing what to do. That is not the point.

Jesus didn’t talk down to him or make him feel less than worthy.

Jesus said to do something. “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.”

Sermons have been preached about so many points in just these few verses. I am not going to preach to you.

Just do something.

Ask God what He wants you to do. Then do it.

John 5:9 ESV

And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked.


Just a simple action, an honest prayer, a peaceful thought, and a breath from your Creator.

You may never see the number 1 the same again.

What is your 1?

Be blessed!!

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Any purchase or donation would be a huge blessing. Love you all!!

Are You Ready?

There will come that day when you are ready to move on from the pain, the hurt, and the past. You will be ready to get back in the race.

Your life has not gone the way you imagined it. I don’t know of one person who started dating with the plan to get married and then get divorced. Doesn’t happen.

So what now?

Romans 8:28 ESV

28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

This verse doesn’t mean everything in our life is good or even that it will be easy from this day forward. What God is saying is, no matter what, if you love God, things will work out.

God can make something out of nothing. Think back to Eden. He created Adam out of the dirt and Eve using Adam’s rib.

So, how do you think God will use you to help others going through what you have gone through?

If you are not at that point in your healing, that is ok. There will come a day when someone will come to you and need your advice or encouragement. You will feel unprepared and probably have no idea what to say.

Take it from me… will be able to help them. Even if it is just to have a listening ear. You are further down the path to healing then they are. Be open to being a helping hand.

When my wife and I had led a few marriage groups at our church, we felt maybe we were to do something else to help others. My wife, being a single mom before we met, felt led to help other single moms. Since I had been divorced twice before, I was starting to have a heart towards men and divorce.

Guess what? God gave us the perfect blend of both of those desires: DivorceCare.

Our church was needing a couple to facilitate this new curriculum. We received a call from one of the pastors asking us if we would be interested.

It is interesting how God had already warmed us up to helping others in a new way, but never saw this coming.

I listened to the pastor on the phone and asked if they could hold for a few seconds while I talked to my wife. I looked at my wife and said, “They want us to lead a new group called DivorceCare. What do you think?”.

She looked at me at said, “I guess we are doing it.”. We didn’t have to think twice.

Now when we started, we felt so unprepared.

God was with us every step of the way. From a lady in our first group who had just moved to our city a few months before and been divorced for over 10 years (Yes, 10!!) still dealing with anger to other people that would eventually become life-long friends, we just took it one week at a time.

It felt good to see people come into the group broken and hurting, yet seeing those who chose to stay in the group for the full timeframe coming to a new place in the healing process.

This is my story. What will yours be?

Will you be someone who leads a group eventually? Will you be a listening ear to that co-worker that is struggling at work because her marriage has fallen apart? Will you hear of someone having problems and feel led to pray for them to get healing and find peace.

However that looks for you, be ready for it. Use the breath God gives you to bless others in your own way and with His spirit leading the way.

I was blessed today to get a direct message from a man who read this blog and felt like God has given him a desire to start a blog as well. I was overjoyed to share a little of the knowledge I have gained over the last 7 1/2 years. I encouraged him to just get started.

You can get started, even if you are not fully healed or fully ready. Ask God to guide you in a simple way to be a blessing to someone else, even if it is in praying for a person struggling with the effects of divorce.

As you take your eyes off of your situations and help others, you will be amazed at how God takes care of your situations while you are not worrying and stressing over them, even for a few minutes.

When you are ready, take the step. Have a caring and encouraging word for someone. Offer to sit in a group and offer your thoughts. Maybe help co-lead a group. Start a blog our YouTube channel about your life.

Be a blessing to someone else as God continues to love you and heal you.

Be blessed!!

YouVersion Bible App Reading Plans:
(over 180,000 downloads to date)
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If you would like to support this ministry, feel free to purchase a copy of my book or donate below:


Paypal: http://PayPal.Me/brentpapineau3

Venmo: @Brent-Papineau

Any purchase or donation would be a huge blessing. Much love!!


So many times, people have no idea what you are feeling. I know. I have been there.

You feel that you are broken beyond repair. You feel worthless. You feel unworthy.

Feelings come and go. Don’t trust them, especially when you have been wounded by divorce and separation. Tomorrow is a new day.

I just heard this new song from Mercy Me called “Bright Side Of Broken”.

When I first read the title, I was wondering how they would convey the concept of looking on the bright side. We have all heard that before. Same old, same old.

Give me a few minutes to help you process this concept.

First, I wanted to share a lyric video by a YouTube creator of this song. Watch and listen while reading the words. After that, I will try to add a few thoughts that may help.

If you need to, watch it again and let it sink in.

I felt like their approach to the concept was real and raw. It took real feelings and thoughts, laying them all out on the table.

When I was going through my own struggles with healing from divorce, I felt so broken that I thought I would never be the same. I was right, but it took me years later to really understand to what level.

God has such a gentle and loving way of letting us all heal in our own time and on our terms. He does not force us to feel a certain way or how to deal with it. He wants us to be real and raw with Him.

When you are ready, He is ready.

A broken vessel can never be the same as it was before it was broken. The sooner we realize that, the sooner the vision of how the rest of our healing will go becomes clearer to us.

A cold, empty, and covered vessel doesn’t let in the light. When it is broken, it now gives the light access to the dark places.

One day I realized that being broken in the hands of the potter who created me was better than sitting on a shelf, empty and dark. I finally felt the pain of the brokeness, yet I felt the warmth of the Maker’s hands and sensed the care He took in holding every piece of me.

He felt what I felt. He knew I was broken. He loved those pieces of my life that I felt were only worthy of being thrown in the trash.

Over time, he took each piece and put it next to another broken piece. He patiently connected those pieces with a substance unknown to man.

The substance contained tears, time, love, forgiveness, understanding, and peace.

He was able to bring restoration to my brokeness. I have never been the same.

I will always look, sound, and be a new creation. I am a broken vessel with cracks that have been restored with a substance that allows the light He gave me to shine through for others to see.

Was it hard? Sure. Did I hate it when I was going through it? Absolutely. Would I want to do it again? NEVER!!

Psalm 34:18 English Standard Version

18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
    and saves the crushed in spirit.

God knows what you are feeling. He knows that you feel like you are broken and can’t even see all the pieces.

Don’t worry. He has them all in His hands.

Let Him create something amazing with the pieces of your life.

It will take some time, and it will be worth it.

Psalm 147:3 English Standard Version

He heals the brokenhearted
    and binds up their wounds.

I look forward to the amazing creation He is creating with your pieces.

Let me know how God has restored your pieces.

Be blessed!!

YouVersion Bible App Reading Plans:
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If you would like to support this ministry, feel free to purchase a copy of my book or donate below:


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Venmo: @Brent-Papineau

Any purchase or donation would be a huge blessing. Love you all!!

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